<P>twhirl's interface is a very simple, one-thing-at-a-time program that lets you focus on one aspect of your Twitter life. The friend timeline from your Twitter home page is in default view - known to twhirl as a panel. But twhirl actually has eight panel is total and you may navigate around them by click on icons found at the bottom of the window. Here are is a summary of some actions that can be performed by twhirl.</P> <P>• Toggle input panel. Click this (seen as a speech bubble icon) to either hide or show the input panel.</P> <P>• Home. Use this to go back and view timeline.</P> <P>• Replies. Click this (shown as the @ icon) to see the replies sent to you.</P> <P>• Directs. Click this (shown as the envelope icon) to see the direct messages sent to you.</P> <P>• Archive. Click this (shown as the folder icon) to see the tweets that you have sent.</P> <P>• Favorites. Click this (shown as the heart icon) to see tweets you have marked as a favorite.</P> <P>• FriendsFollowers. Click this to see two lists one for your friends and one for followers.</P> <P>• Lookup. Use this (person with a question mark icon) to look up a tweeter's profuile.</P> <P>In the text box that appears type in the username and click Enter. twhirl shows a user's profule date and his or her recent tweets.</P> <P>• Search. Click this (shown as the magnifying glass) to run a basic Twitter search from the interface. Use the text box to type in search query, including any of standard Twitter search operators.</P> <P>twhirl also offers some keyboard shortcuts to navigate through the windows, which I highly recommend you print</P> <P>• Ctrl+Left arrow. Move to next panel to the left. Use ctrl + Right Arrow to move panel to the right.</P> <P>• T or F1. Displays the Home Screen</P> <P>• R or F2. Displays the Replies Screen</P> <P>• A or F3. Display the Archive Screen</P> <P>• D or F4. Display the Directs Screen</P> <P>• S or F5. Displays the Favorites Screen</P> <P>• F or F6. Displays the FriendsFollowers Screen</P> <P>• L or F7. Displays the Lookup Screen</P> <P>• Y or F12. Displays the Search Screen</P> <P>• U or F12. Displays the input panel and move cursor inside the panel.</P> <P>• M. Open the "Accounts" window</P> <P>• O. Open the "configuration" window</P> <P>I hope this list helps you navigate through twhirl panels. twhirl also has a special setting which lets you keep it on top of all your other windows, this is great for keeping an eye on your tweets as well.</P> <P>Even better, you can change twhirl to fade out when not active, so now you can really focus on the window you are working in. Click the configuration button (the wrench icon), click on General tab, select the "Always on top check box".</P> <P>Click Visual tab, and click on the Opacity value to whatever you would like. Remember that the lower the value the more twhirl will fade when it is not active.</P></DIV> <DIV sizcache="2" sizset="30"> <TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 sizcache="2" sizset="30"> <TBODY sizcache="2" sizset="30"> <TR sizcache="2" sizset="30"> <TD vAlign=top sizcache="2" sizset="30"> <DIV id=sig class="sig"<br><p><strong>Now Pay Close Attention --</strong><br /><p>Bringing targeted followers to your twitter account and turning them in the cash paying customers is a problem of the past.<p><strong>[Reason #1]</strong> You can easily have over 5,000 targeted followers on your twitter account.<br /> <br /> <strong>[Reason #2] When Using Twitter Follower Supply </strong>obtaining thousands of followers has never been easier.<p>Using a proven system for acquiring targeted twitter followers Twitter Follower Supply is able to send thousands of targeted twitter followers to your twitter account within days! <br /><br /> Just look at this:<br /> - The average twitter follower is worth $1 - $5.<br /> - Twitter traffic now accounts for up to 30% of business traffic.<br /> - Twitter followers are twice as profitable and reliable as email addresses.<p><br /> <strong>First:</strong> <a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link']);" href="<a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link']);" href="http://twitterfollowersupply.com/"> Visit" _mce_rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link']);" href="http://twitterfollowersupply.com"><strong>Visit">http://twitterfollowersupply.com"><strong>Visit Twitter Follower Supply Now</strong></a><br /> Thousands of Targeted Twitter Followers Guaranteed<br /> <br /> <strong>Second: Buy Twitter Followers</a></strong><br /> Guaranteed Targeted Followers That Visit Your Website and Spend Money!
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