Friday, April 8, 2011

Tips For Interview-Getting Cover letter

When looking at cover letter examples in a book or on the internet you should have a cover letter example checklist that you will use in deciding to use an example or not. Your cover letter example checklist will ensure that you do not send out a cover letter that will land your resume in the trash. As a job seeker if your resume lands itself in the trash you are in trouble because you will not land an interview or the job. So make sure that you check over your example very well before using it. Most job seekers do not realize that prospective employers are actually looking for reasons within your cover letter to throw your resume out. After all they are seeking high quality employees.
Optimism and a positive attitude are when writing your resume letter. This is not the time to draw upon bad experiences in previous working environments such as why you 'unfairly' lost your job. There will be a time for this in an interview situation if they were to question those areas. At least then, you have more time to prepare and turn any negatives into positives. Another trick is to avoid information about salaries - either your former salary or what you expect from the post you are applying for.
As much as the importance of what you are writing, is how it is written and presented. Do yourself and the reviewer a favor by keeping things simple and easy to read. You won't earn extra points by being flamboyant or creative with the cover letter - which might divert their attention away from the facts. Make your cover letter impressive and make it stand out from the crowd. Introduce yourself and make it known why you, out of the many applicants, are the best choice for the post.
If at any time you feel unsure and need help with writing a cover letter, you could always seek advice from a professional who has been in the position before of reading cover letter and knows best which ones make it to the interview process and so provide good cover letter help. They will offer an invaluable tips and advice so that you can come up with a successful cover letter tailored to you personally and the post you are going for.
Another fault and the absolute wrong path to go down are to simply take sections out of other letters. The problem of doing this, is that the phrases are the ones that will be used in 98% of your fellow candidate's cover letter - even lessening your chances of getting through to an interview as you display no originality or indeed - personality.
You should have received some information about the person who will be reviewing the resumes - at least a name if nothing else. Be one step ahead by using their name and avoiding writing a 'Dear Sir/Madam/Reviewer!' If you don't have a name, you can often find one by searching the pages of their website (something you will be doing a lot of leading up to the interview). You can discover so many important pieces of information - even the names of heads of departments such as personnel.

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