Monday, May 2, 2011

How 1Tbps Internet Connection Will Revolutionize Online Activities

In this digital age, rate of data transfer over the internet, local area networks and between auxiliary storage devices and your computer is a very important factor to be considered. While using the internet or local area networks it determines the speed of the connection and the faster the speed the better. This is normally measured by the amount of data that can be transferred in one second between two IP addresses and an example is 1Tbps. The speed is normally in bits per second (bps), kilobits per second (Kbps), megabits per second (Mbps), gigabits per second (Gbps) and terabits per second (Tbps) in ascending order. The other speeds, with the exception of the Tbps, have been reached and are being used today but reaching the speed of 1Tbps is something that only a few companies have managed to do. 1Tbps is a very fast speed in terms of internet connection. It basically means that more than a trillion bits of data are transferred over the network every second. With this kind of speed downloads from the internet would be instant, buffering of streamed videos would take a very short time and online gaming would not need consoles and would be lag free among many other advantages. It would make online interaction very easy and sharing of data very fast and efficient. Internet traffic requirements are doubling every two years due to the increase in mobile phone users, cloud computing and growing popularity of streaming videos. This demand is weighing on the internet bandwidth making access and use of internet slower with time, therefore there is need to come up with faster speeds to meet the growing demand. 1Tbps internet speeds and above is the ideal speed that everyone is looking for. The only way to reach this speed is by the use of fiber optics. It is currently the fastest form of data transmission technology since it involves the use of light signals to transmit data. The signals are easy to boost and this makes the glass fibers able to transmit data over very long distances. This technology has revolutionized the telephone industry and is going to be used to do the same for internet speeds. A few carrier companies have managed to come up with terabit capacity connections across continents. This makes it very expensive and only large web based companies would be able to afford them. Due to this, availability of this service is quite minimal and it will take a long time before everyone can access it. Researchers on the other hand, are working very hard to improve the underlying technologies so that they can cope with this speed or even much higher speeds. There have been some breakthroughs, however applying them in large scale is quite difficult and work is being put into developing more economically reasonable ways to do it. Having access to 1Tbps and above speeds available to everyone will first require upgrading of all home and business network infrastructures. This will cost much but will not really matter since it will revolutionize everything, from the way businesses are run to the way people interact. It will be of great benefit to the increasing number of internet users and their increasing data demands.

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