But how do local theatre groups market and promote themselves? There's precious little ad space remaining in what is left of newspapers and even local radio and television spots are probably too expensive for cost-conscious Mom and Pop operations such as local theatre groups. Word-of-mouth works to a degree—there will always be some success from posting fliers in well-traveled areas of town and generating repeat business from satisfied customers—but it takes a long time to fill houses and turn a profit with such archaic and slow-building promotional methods.
Fortunately, there's a quick and cost-efficient solution: Email marketing for local theatre! Email marketing for local theatre groups is a smart, cost-effective and easy way to grow and maintain a loyal audience. Email marketing software is user-friendly and can be customized with everything from the theatre group's logo to personal information such as cast members' birthdays, anniversary or special performances, or any other type of details. With email marketing, community theatre is once again a popular and affordable venue for original entertainment in town.
Generating an email marketing campaign for community theatre groups is as simple as bringing a notebook to a performance. Have someone from the group—or a friend of the group—stand at the box office or just inside the entrance to the theatre and ask him or her to collect email addresses. Let patrons know it's for a local theatre email marketing project—but you shouldn't have any difficulty getting people to give their emails to you! Giving out their email address is as natural for people now as giving out their phone number, except a lot less invasive. Plus, there will be an element of trust and support in trying to help out a local theatre group.
Once a sizable amount of emails have been collected, the email marketing campaign can begin in earnest. There are numerous email marketing programs available for purchase, most of which are inexpensive and most of which can be implemented with little to no outside training.
Indeed, any local theatre group with a website should be able to implement the email marketing campaign with little difficulty. Just input all the email addresses into the database and you'll ensure that all emails about the theatre group—whether they contain information about promotions for upcoming shows or news about the group and its members—land in the inboxes of a loyal and attentive audience!
Plus, local theatre groups with websites can further expand their database of names for all email marketing campaigns by placing a prompt on the website inviting users to submit their email addresses. Local theatre email marketing is the best way for thespians to let the community know there are low-cost, high-quality productions in the area! Nothing generates results quite like email marketing. Local theatre is no different—find out today!
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