Have you been browsing the internet looking for that perfect article directory to submit to? Perhaps some require you to pay a fee, others may not instantly publish your articles and moderate them after they are published, or some may publish your articles withing 72 hours, but what if you have content that is fresh at its source such as the news?
Instantly Publishing Articles should be easy and enjoyable for authors to submit their high quality content to in just a matter of seconds. Article writing is a great way to share information and also publicize your own website or blog which has a plethora of content waiting to be discovered. There are quite a few article directories that are available, it's good to submit to a variety of blogs and sites.
I have found personally that by submitting to wordpress type blogs or directories will generate higher quality traffic and links, the wordpress CMS does very well across all search engines including Google, Yahoo and Bing. Compared to other sites wordpress ranked overall higher for common key terms which drove a variety of fresh traffic.
It's important when you write articles for multiple directories to keep the content fresh and original and most importantly something that will be unique to the directory, after all in return you are getting a backlink as well as potential traffic to your site. Viewers are more likely to check out your sources or links if the article provided useful information, if the information didn't seem useful the chance the viewer is going to check your site or recommend it to their friends and colleagues is very low.
I have been publishing articles for a couple of years now, I realize there are a lot of expert writers out there, some who have been blogging and managing websites when I was just a young kid, writing has always proven a great way to express ones self, just remember that picking the right topic can be the biggest challenge somtimes, at least that is what I have found for myself. I hope you all enjoy writing as much as I do, if not give it try every now and then.
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