- Question:-Endometriosis?
I have asked a few questions already concerneing endometriosis. I am currently on Neproxin for pain. I was wondering if anyone knew of good pain relieve. I am interested in any thoughts. Also if there are herbal remedies that help?
Answer:-I have suffered with endo for years. I have found no pain reliever to eleviate the pain. I also tried acupunture which didn't help. Motrin can help a little but not enough. If your pain is that severe, then consider the surgery. I had the surgery but I only had one month of relief before it came back. After I have my baby, I plan on having both of my ovaries removed to help with the pain as my doctor recommends. Good Luck with your pain management. - Question:-endometriosis?
I was wondering if anyone can tell me their experience with endometriosis. Did it make it difficult for you or someone you know to get pregnant? How long did it take before you were able to conceive? Did you have problems with miscarriages?
Answer:-sorry you're going through this....in terms of how long it takes you to conceive, it'll depend on many factors such as your age and how long you've been diagnosed with....if you talk to an RE (fertility specialist) they'll be able to better guide you through this process. You can read more about endometriosis and conceiving and also ask an RE online and give them your specific case to get their take, try the website below as the source.
best of louck to you ! - Question:-Can endometriosis cause shooting pain from the left side of the belly button down to the vagina?
My wife has a history of ovarian cysts and endometriosis. Can either of these conditions cause a shooting pain from the side of the belly button, down the vaginal canal?
Answer:- - Question:-What causes endometriosis to develop into cancer?
My mom had endometriosis badly resulting in 8 years of infertility, but it didn't turn cancerous.
My aunt had endometriosis badly and it did turn cancerous.
I am concerned that I may have endometriosis but I am only 24. What are the odds endo can turn cancerous and how soon should I be concerned about this?
Thanks to anyone with any knowledge of the subject.
Tasha, thanks for the info. Is there any way I can contact you with further questions?
Answer:-Hi Leah. Sorry to read about your aunt and your mum. I hope they are doing better now.
I am a nurse and a fellow, longtime sufferer of endometriosis. Many things contribute to whether or not someone gets cancer, this could include (but isn't limited to): genetics, smoking/alcohol/drug consumption, amount of exposure to sunlight, dietary habits, etc (the list is long). Cancers and tumours that spread have certain characteristics as well. For example a tumour/s has an excellent blood supply, which it can create itself. Cancerous cells can easily break off and travel through the blood stream or lymphatic system. Some cancers run in families and occur in the same places (I once knew a nurse who said most of her family had suffered from lip melanomas or had died from them). Tumours can also grow extremely fast, others are slow growing. There is no rule of thumb saying someone will/will not get cancer, although some people have more risk factors, ie: smoking cigarettes for 30 years will put you at more risk for lung diseases/disorders and lung cancer.
If endometriosis is controlled, it probably will not evolve into cancer. However if left unchecked, the cells migrate to other parts of the body and could evolve into cancer (endometrial cells are highly migratory). I even read of a case in a nursing journal where a woman had bleeding from her ear every month, and it turned out she had endometrial cells in her ear which were bleeding when she menstruated!
The percentage of getting endometrial cancer from having endometriosis is anywhere from 40 - 70%. But nobody can give you absolute statistical numbers - they would probably frighten you anyway. For instance, just because you have endometriosis doesn't mean you WILL get endometrial cancer. Nobody can say if someone will or will not get cancer. Some people seem more predisposed to cancers than others, even when they lead a healthy lifestyle and have no or minimal risk factors (for reasons still largely unknown).
Getting cancer also depends upon your lifestyle. Your best bet is to control heavy bleeding (oral contraceptives can do this), eat healthy, don't smoke, cut down (or cut out) caffeine, limit alcohol, etc (you know the drill). Also control stress, like do yoga, pilates, exercise 3 x a week and don't get overly upset about things.
Worrying about whether or not you get cancer is fruitless. If you do get it, you can deal with it then. BUT MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL: have regular pap smears - and for all you so called 'medical' buffs out there with no health degree - no, pap smears DO NOT detect endometrial cancer, but changes in the cell/tissue structure (this is one way to catch abnormalities or cancer/s early). Only laparoscopies and a biopsy/ies can detect endometrial cells or cancer. For any severe abdominal pain, unexplained, persistent bleeding, abnormal/unusual bloating, persistent nausea and/or vomiting, referred back or flank pain (any symptom or any pain unusual for you, or which you are worried about), see a Dr ASAP or attend your nearest emergency department immediately. Also most cancers have excellent treatment nowadays, so don't worry too much. Get out there and enjoy life as you are only 24!
Good luck. - Question:-What is the connection between endometriosis and hair loss?
Is there a possible connection between endometriosis and hair loss? What's the solution to these problems? The doctor prescribed birth control pills, but it made me feel depressed. Now what?
Answer:-As far as I know there is no link between endo and hair loss, except that both involve hormones and hormone problems, albeit different kinds of hormones. I'm definitely not an expert, though.
Have you looked into or heard of PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)? That DOES cause hair loss. See http://www.pcosupport.org/medical/whatis.php
If you've been diagnosed with endo I highly recommend doing a ton of research to learn as much about it as you can. The Endometriosis Association, at http://www.endometriosisassn.org/, is an excellent place to start. - Question:-What can I do to limit endometriosis damage and get pregnant?
I have had endometriosis pretty bad since high school and even had an ovary removed. My husband and I are trying to concieve, but have little information about how to increase our odds. We went through 3 rounds of fertility treatment and had no luck with the drugs/iui combo. Any similar cases out there? Any suggestions? Any hope?
Answer:-I was diagnosed with stage II of endometriosis a year after I graduated high school. My hubby and I are in the same boat as you guys, however, it has only been 3 months since my laparoscopy/D&C. So they won't be able to offer me any fertility treatments or drugs until after we have been trying for a year. My obgyn recommended that if we are serious about TTC, then to have intercourse every other day during ovulation. Also, taking prenatal vitamins ahead of time will further prepare your body for a pregnancy. Try cutting out or lowering your daily intake of caffeine, and eating healthier; this will increase your chances significantly, as opposed to eating junk food and drinking sodas all the time. Staying healthy when TTC is very important. I wish I had more information to give, as I am somewhat in the same situation as you. But since I have had no luck so far myself, it's hard to say which methods work the best. I didn't know of anyone else who has endometriosis as well, until I read your post. It definitely comes as somewhat of a relief to know that you are not alone, and that somewhere out there there are other women going through the same struggles.
I wish you the best of luck, and if for some reason I should figure the solution out soon, I will let you know; or vice versa lol.
Good luck & God Bless! - Question:-What are options for treatment of endometriosis other than birth control or surgery?
I have already been on birth control for 9 years, and I can't afford a laparoscopy because I have crappy insurance. Are there any other treatment methods for endometriosis?
Answer:-This is an option I am considering for myself, and most insurances are covering it since it's non-invasive and non-surgical.
Check out www.daretowearwhite.com
- Question:-How long after a laparoscopy for endometriosis did you wait to have sex?
Friday was three weeks since my lap. I had severe endometriosis that was removed and a chocolate cyst on my ovary. My doctor is closed today and I am super anxious to wait until monday. How long did you wait to have sex. Think I would be okay?
I have severe endometriosis, ive had 13 operations in the past 12 months including my bladder being reconstructed because of endo. It is such a horrid illness my heart goes out to you. Ive not worked now for over a year as I have scale 10 endo which is the highest end of the scale. I have had many many Laps and had sex I think it was about 2 weeks after but you have to be so so careful (dont go at it like a nutter) I think making love instead of sex as with a lap they go inside which im sure your well aware of. Its a good job really that they do it that way otherwise you would not be asking that question believe me lol. Ive have the doctors open me up that way to drain a abscess from surgery.
If you want to ask any more questions about endo please email me if you want to or even if your having a bad day drop me a mail I know what your going through. Im trying at the moment to start a support group from home through the charity shetrust great site for Enod problems. The chairman Mr C H Mann is my consultant (amazing man) my wizard.
Claire xx - Question:-How long can a woman have endometriosis before she gets diagnosed?
Is it possible for a woman to have endometriosis for a number of years before having it diagnosed? If so, will that interfer with child birth ( premature birth and miscarriages) and does it cause discharge and excessive clotting while having your cycle?
Answer:-Not only is it possible, it's the standard for women and girls with the disease, unfortunately. The average overall delay in diagnosis is a staggering NINE years, throughout the course of seeing FIVE different doctors before someone takes her pain seriously. It's a tragedy the way this disease is minimized and ignored overall. Undiagnosed/untreated Endo is a leading cause of female infertility and if left alone, can definitely cause the inability to conceive and/or miscarry. It's important to get early and EFFECTIVE treatment, early on...most women with Endo have pelvic pain and other signs of Endo during their teen years, but this often goes unaddressed. With proper treatment (see www.centerforendo.com for superior care), resolve of infertility and long-term symptom relief is totally possible. There are no long-terms studies addressing premature birth and Endo, but the ERC (www.endocenter.org) has anecdotal data showing complicated pregancies in a high number of their members with Endo. The discharge and clotting may be due in part to Endo but sounds more like adenomyosis, which is Endometriosis of the muscular lining of the uterus (myometrium). It is very common in women with pelvic and abdominal Endo. Good luck to you and remember you're not alone - help is out there. Check the sites I gave you. - Question:-What are the diferences between dysmenorrhea and endometriosis?
how can i defferentiate the symptoms of these illness? my mom use to have dysmenorrhea then when she got old, she now has endometriosis. Am I capable of having one too cuz its starting to freak me out! like, how do i know if i have one w/o even going to the doctor and have it checked?
Answer:-Dysmenorrhea is a menstrual condition characterized by severe and frequent menstrual cramps and pain associated with menstruation. The following are the most common symptoms ofdysmenorrhea. However, each adolescent may experience symptoms differently. Symptoms may include:
cramping in the lower abdomen
pain in the lower abdomen
low back pain
pain radiating down the legs
The symptoms of dysmenorrhea may resemble other conditions or medical problems. Always consult your physician for a diagnosis.
Endometriosis is a condition where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus (the endometrial stroma and glands, which should only be located inside the uterus) is found elsewhere in the body.
Endometriosis lesions can be found anywhere in the pelvic cavity: on the ovaries, the fallopian tubes, and on the pelvic sidewall. Other common sites include the uterosacral ligaments, the cul-de-sac, the Pouch of Douglas, and in the rectal-vaginal septum.
The most common symptom of endometriosis is pelvic pain. The pain often correlates to the menstrual cycle, but a woman with endometriosis may also experience pain that doesn’t correlate to her cycle. For many women, the pain of endometriosis is so severe and debilitating that it impacts their lives in significant ways.
Monday, October 17, 2011
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