Tuesday, October 25, 2011

hurricane tracking

  • Question:-Should we slash Hurricane tracking and warning from the discretionary part of the federal budget?
    Hey cons, it is discretionary spending, must be government waste, right?

    Answer:-ummmmm...mr lemming, apparently you missed your 0bamessiah piously babbling about the eeeeevils of 'false choices'; or is that a concept, much like 'tolerance' and 'civil discourse', that does not apply to the Left?
  • Question:-where can i find a Atlantic hurricane tracking map?
    it needs to have the hurricanes that have been already registered plz
    can anyone show me one with grips?

    Answer:--- National Hurricane Center http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/ -------------- Fred (History)http://hurricane.accuweather.com/hurricane/activestorms/atlantic/2009/5/Fred/storms.asp?partner=accuweather&traveler=0 -----
    Erika (History) http://hurricane.accuweather.com/hurricane/activestorms/atlantic/2009/4/Erika/storms.asp?partner=accuweather&traveler=0 ----------
    Danny (History)http://hurricane.accuweather.com/hurricane/activestorms/atlantic/2009/3/Danny/storms.asp?partner=accuweather&traveler=0 ------
    Claudette (History)http://hurricane.accuweather.com/hurricane/activestorms/atlantic/2009/2/Claudette/storms.asp?partner=accuweather&traveler=0 -------
    Bill (History)http://hurricane.accuweather.com/hurricane/activestorms/atlantic/2009/1/Bill/storms.asp?partner=accuweather&traveler=0 --------
    Ana (History)http://hurricane.accuweather.com/hurricane/activestorms/atlantic/2009/0/Ana/storms.asp?partner=accuweather&traveler=0 ---------
    Marty (History) http://hurricane.accuweather.com/hurricane/activestorms/epacific/2009/12/Marty/storms.asp?partner=accuweather&traveler=0 --------------Hurricane informations http://hurricane.accuweather.com/hurricane/index.asp -------------- Hurricane Names for 2009 http://geography.about.com/od/physicalgeography/a/2009names.htm
  • Question:-How has hurricane tracking differed in NC from the 1990's to today?

    Answer:-The early 90s was like 20 years ago and I have seen the changes in accuracy and it is astounding. Even the number of models have increased exponentially. Better understanding of steering currents, El Nino, La Nina and other oscillation patterns help us a lot too. However sometimes these steering currents become hard to pick out. One way of mitigating a lack of a coherent steering pattern is looking at pressure falls, particularly at like 500mb. Think of these height falls as a ball rolling down hill. The storms go the path of least resistance. They will steer towards lower pressure and invariably away from higher pressure.

    Most systems will either turn towards Bermuda as they approach Florida or the Caribbean or they will go south of Florida, in between the Florida Straights and Cuba and into the Gulf of Mexico.

    Knowing where fronts and areas of low pressure helps but like I said before, even lower pressure in the upper atmosphere gives us a better understanding of where they may go.

    So for the Carolina coastal region, they usually turn before they get to Florida or they go through the Gulf of Mexico and through the southeast USA. If they take the latter track they usually wash out and you get just rain.

    Once a storm gets along the east coast the tendency is to go north and then northeast and away from land, unless there is something there to cause the storm to not turn as fast to the northeast.

    Meteorologists need the big picture because even a low over the Ohio Valley can cause a storm to change direction.

    A week out is still a huge guess but the guess becomes more educated each couple of years. Even those Florida storms of 2004-2005 give us good case studies to evaluate future events.
  • Question:-Do astronomers get involved with hurricane tracking and forecasting?

    Answer:-I disagree with the previous two posters. Hurricanes are tracked and forecasting using modern technology: satellite maps and measurements. And to put satellites into orbit, you need an astronomer or physicist to do the calculations for launch. And you need them to maintain a proper orbit.

    Plus, astronomers, as astronauts, can make observations of hurricanes from orbit. For example, astronauts on the ISS can make some measurements of cyclones.
  • Question:-Texas Cities hurricane tracking chart?
    I need a hurricane tracking map for the state of Texas that includes the cities on the gulf coast. From Brownsville, Tx to Galveston, Tx.

    Answer:-try www.hurricanetrack.com
  • Question:-Hurricane Gustav tracking?
    I have to do a hurricane tracking chart for school on Gustav but I'm having trouble finding the coordinates. Which websites have them? I also need the miles per hour for each point. I need 10, 2 for each day.

    Answer:-Here is the track of Gustav.


    Hope your school assignment goes well.
  • Question:-Hurricane Tracking Chart?
    I'm looking for a hurricane tracking chart. A blank one. I have to map three hurricanes and plot the points at which each level changes. I have one that my teacher gave me but once I got onto the black you couldn't see my writing so im looking for where the land areas are not black they are colored or white

  • Question:-hurricane tracking tools?
    what are used to track hurricanes?
    what do people reduce the risks of an hurricane occuring?

    helpp meeeeeeeeee =[

    Answer:-Hurricane tracking tools: Computer
    What are used to track hurricanes:
    Dropsondes, buoy data, Satellites, nearby ships, hurricane hunter aircrafts....
    Reduce the risk of hurricanes occurring: nothing... PPL can't don't much to reduce the risk of occurrence... But they can reduce the risk of damage done on their property, by placing shutters, and bringing in lawn furniture.
  • Question:-How do you track hurricane remnants?
    I want to know how to track the remnants of hurricanes--not the hurricane itself. Like with Ike, where is that system now? Northern Europe? Asia?

    Answer:-Most of them will fall apart after they hit land and try and go over it. Ike was more of a straight mover, and not at an angle, so when "he" hit landfall, it became harder for the hurricane to stay together. Usually if one does cross an ocean or a small land area (like in central america) and go into another body of water/ocean they will rename the hurricane. Where Ike hit at in TX made it very difficult for that hurricane to cross land.

    If they move at an angle, they can hit land, but not directly, and still keep their momentum and keep going along the coast, like the ones that have been known to go up the whole east coast, it's because the coast line is at an angle, and if the hurricane is moving at an angle, it is very likely to hit all the coastline cities without being stopped because there is no major land mass is stopping it.
  • Question:-Hurricane Tracking Cone?
    What does it mean if you are in a hurricanes cone?

    Answer:-It means that the hurricane can actually hit you.. by changing its path or the size of the storm can reach out..

    Good Luck.

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