Thursday, November 3, 2011

groupon ipo

  • Question:-Is Groupon IPO ok for the short term?
    There is a bit of skepticism about Groupon's IPO this Friday. Even if not one to hold, is this a good buy for a few months, or weeks, or just days? Or just stay away?

    Answer:-I'd stay away. The only positive is that they are selling a modest number of shares. I see several major negatives.

    The founders just granted themselves superior voting rights, entrenching management.

    They created the industry, but have no long term competitive advantage.

    There are new competitors everywhere, including some powerful companies. For the last month, I've been getting daily deal emails from Amazon. Yet no one seems to mention this.
  • Question:-Any thought on Pandora Media and Groupon IPO's?
    Is it worth it to buy into these or let them pass?
    I was planning on buying and selling on the same day, in which case I would need at least a $10 profit to cover brokerage commissions. Any recommendations on a buy and sell price?

    Answer:-Even though you want to buy these IPO's, it's likely that you'd never get the shares.

    The initial offerings of shares of these companies typically go to big-money / big-fish customers of the particular brokerage house that is hosting the IPO. They make a list of everybody that wants 'in' on the IPO and then dole out 100 lot shares to customers on a list, then they go to the top of the list again, repeat. If you did manage to get some, you'd likely get only 100 shares.

    I know because I tried to get shares of a couple of smaller IPO's recently (Zipcar and Arcos Dorados) and the rep at my brokerage firm just sorta chuckled. He said I only had 50k in my account and that I had to be realistic. When I pushed him for explanation he told me what I just told you, that the shares would be going to customers who generate THOUSANDS of dollars for their firm in commissions. So - you can see what I'm saying hey? Not trying to discourage you, just share my experience.

    Groupon is going to be a monster though. Up HUGE first day, then down, just like Linkedin.

    Good luck with your investing.
  • Question:-Should I invest in the Groupon IPO? and literally HoW!!! do i invest?

    Answer:-If you have to ask "how do I invest"... you shouldn't do this.

    There are two ways to invest in an IPO.
    A. Get an allocation from your broker.
    B. Buy on the open market.

    Chances are... you won't get a piece of the allocation..... but know this.... it doesn't mean you'll make instant money..... you could easily lose 25% the first day (or more).

    If you buy on the open market the stock could rocket 50% before you can buy it... and then drop by 75%.... anything can happen.... this is not an absolute ticket to "winnings".

    If you've never bought stock before or you have less than 5 years of successful investing experience... simply stay away from this stuff.
  • Question:-how to invest into groupon?
    groupon filed for its ipo and i want to invest into groupon but i dont know how

    Answer:-You would not get the IPO shares unless you are a large customer of one of the underwriters of the IPO.

    You will need to wait until it begins trading for the first day in the open market. After its traded publically, you can buy it thourgh any onilne brokerage account.
  • Question:-groupon marketing environment?
    Background:, a startup launched in November 2008, sends out “deal-of-the-day” e-mails to more than 70 million subscribers in more than 250 geographic markets around the world.
    What is unique about Groupon is that most of its promotions are for small local businesses. For instance, customers sign up to receive a daily customized email with a deal like “Get $40 worth of seafood from TJ’s Fresh Seafood Market for only $10”. If a customer wants to buy the discount- she/he will have to buy that day. The retailer and Groupon usually, not always though, evenly split the $10. In another word, a retailer receives $5 for a coupon that gives a customer $40 worth of seafood!?
    Despite pundits’ suspicion, Groupon continues to grow at an amazing rate. It recently turned down a $6 billion buyout offer from Google. Actually, Groupon is preparing for a $25 billion IPO in 2011.

    1. Describe TWO most important forces in Groupon’s current marketing environment.
    a) microenvironment

    Answer:- its pretty sweet and saves a lot of money on retailers and restaurants in your area.
  • Question:-Upcoming stocks (IPO Info)?
    Yesterday I saw that LinkedIn had an IPO and they were going public. I told my father (Im 15) I was going to invest in it and he said "No It's too dangerous". Guess what? Up 94% first day! I am so angry at my father. Are there any other companies about to go public? Any suggestions? I can do my research about particular stocks but the only about to go public ones as far as I know are:

    Does anyone have any others?

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