- Question:-Penn state?
What would you consider the best branch campus of penn state and why? im applying for main but if i dont get in, i probably am still going to go there. thanks for the help/suggestions!
Answer:-I'm a sophomore at Altoona. Honestly, I love it SO much. It's only an hour from main campus so the option of attending games is always there.
This campus is beautiful any time of the year. The classes are smallish (my largest [the Gen-Eds] are about 80 kids) and the professors actually care about us.
I adore it here, definitely consider PSU Altoona, and feel free to contact me with any questions :)
Oh, BTW--I'm from NJ, but I still feel right at home and comfortable at PSUA. - Question:-Penn State?
im a junior in high school, and im looking into colleges. i was on the Penn State website, but it doesnt specify if i can get a degree in interior design (and fashion if possible). Does anyone know if Penn State offers degrees in those?
Answer:-It doesn't look like Penn state offers an Interior Design degree. However, the following schools in Pennsylvania do:
Bradley Academy for the Visual Arts - York
The Art Institute of Philadelphia - Philadelphia
The Art Institute of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh
Arcadia University - Glenside
Drexel University - Philadelphia
Harcum College - Bryn Mawr
La Roche College - Pittsburgh
Marywood University - Scranton
Moore College of Art & Design - Women's Art and Design College - Philadelphia
Philadelphia University - Philadelphia - Question:-penn state?
what are the the required scores for the sat and act for penn state college?
ya Penn State U
Answer:-You mean Penn State University? We're a university, not a college. What are your current SAT scores? You're going to need high SAT scores if you want to get onto Main Campus. If you have lower SATs you'll probably get an offer acceptance at a branch campus, then you'll transfer to Main in about 2 years. - Question:-How does the Penn state football team travel to away games in other states?
When the Penn state football team travels to away games how do they get there? Is it by plane or bus?
Answer:-mostly by airplane - Question:-Is it possible to reapply to a different Penn State campus after already applying to another?
I recently sent in my application and set Penn State Berks as my primary choice and the University Park as my alternate. I thought I wanted to go to Berks for sure, but I'm thinking I might as well take advantage of my good grades in high school, and try to go to University Park.
I already paid the enrollment fees, and have accepted Penn State's offer. Is it possible to try and switch yet? Or is it too late?
Answer:-It's not too late until classes start.. your enrollment fees will vary from college to college as refundable.. each probably has a cutoff date to cancel the enrollment, check with the college administration... only they may know that answer..doesn't hurt to ask - Question:-How does a sorority at penn state purchase a house/senior house?
I read that it would potentially be possible for a sorority to purchase a house at penn state and use that instead of living on the floor and having a suite. I was just curious if there is any truth to it.
Answer:-There are no actual brothel laws ANYWHERE. Anyone who says there are, is just repeating old rumors. See source.
There are no brothel laws at Penn State, but there are zoning restrictions on land. From The Collegian archive; http://www.collegian.psu.edu/archive/2003/10/10-07-03tdc/10-07-03dnews-01.asp
Talk to your house corporation board, they will know if there is any way for you to get official sorority housing. If you getting a house would make you the only sorority with a house, Panhellenic will have a problem with it. Dues will go up if you get a house.
To circumvent all the issues (and get a house quickly) have a few sisters get together and rent a house. Work around the zoning restrictions. You won't get the official sorority house designation, but you can hold sisterhood events there. - Question:-How good do you think Penn State football will be next season?
I was wondering your opinion on how well penn state will do, and how far they would make, and how high would they rank, stuff like that. Also please tell me how big our chances are at getting Terrelle Pryor if you can. Thanks!
Also maybe how big is the chance we install the spread with Daryl clark and/or Terrelle pryor?
Answer:-not very good and also not very bad. They need to hire new coach. - Question:-What is Penn State looking for in the personal statement?
It's only 1200 characters! How do I fit anything into that? My introduction is 808 characters already.
Anyone know any sites with examples of penn state personal statements? Or better, personal experience with writing it?
Answer:-Yeah you're going to want to cut that intro down hun! They get tens of thousands of applications yearly, so it takes a long time to read anything. Basically, have a short intro introducing yourself, explain a few qualities about yourself in the body (using real world examples) and then wrap it up with a nice little conclusion. Short and sweet is the way to go! Keep it basic but also make sure you can get your points across and make your personality shine through, and you will be fine! - Question:-What type of personality do you have to have to go to penn state main and fit in?
What type of personality do you have to have to go to penn state main and fit in?
What kind of personality gets into Penn State Main? Like, when they were in high school, what were they like? Or what were you like in high school (if you made it in)? Do the shy kids make a reputation there? Or are most of the penn state main students partiers from the start?
Answer:-there is no such thing
evryone is different - Question:-What campus at Penn State should I go to?
I'm a junior in high school, and once I graduate, I was planning on going to community college for a year or two so it won't be as expensive. From there, I was planning on going to Penn State (of course, if I'm accepted) and I want to major in Astronomy and minor in Physics.
I just don't know what campus to go to? I'm planning on going to that campus for two years, and then going to University Park for my Junior and Senior years.
But what campus should I go to for my Freshman and Sophomore years?
Answer:-I, too, don't understand the math and why you're planning for 6 years to complete your bachelor's degree. But assuming you start at a Penn State branch and end up at main campus, you're best bet is to attend a branch that has a bachelor's degree in Physics and/or Astronomy. Otherwise, there may not be many physics or astronomy courses available for you to take before transferring to University Park.
I searched the PSU website for branches that have Astronomy or Physics baccalaureate programs and found only Penn State Erie (The Behrend College) with a listing of Physics as a major. In fact, I don't see Physics listed at University Park as an available major, either, but perhaps there's an explanation for that. As for Astronomy, only University Park appears to have this available, and it is in conjunction with Astrophysics.
Of course, every branch will have plenty of gen eds to choose from. If your choice is based on campus location preference, I recommend Penn State Harrisburg. I earned my master's degree there and I really like that campus for its location, its proximity to a pleasant but not remote surrounding area, and its active campus life. I also like Penn State Altoona and Penn State Berks; Altoona is close to State College, which is a nice feature, and Berks is just a pretty campus.
If money is the only factor (and you're not going to a community college), I will point out that the tuition difference between Harrisburg/Berks/Altoona/Erie and University Park is only about $1700 per semester right now, or approximately $3400 a year. If attending any other branch campus (other than the graduate schools at Great Valley, Hershey, and Dickinson), the tuition difference is more like $2200 a semester.
I hope all of this helps! And go Penn State! :)
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
penn state
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