There are hundreds of domains parking services online that offer to store and manage your parked domains. Domain parking service takes the management aspect away from the services and puts it under your personal control. When you use your own software, you dont need to worry about the service creating pages you dont like or using organizing methods that you dont find easy to use. Domain parking service saves you money, as well, because you dont have to pay for anyone elses domain hosting space. Why Share Profits? A domain hosting service provides all of the services that you can get from domain parking software, but the service also cuts into any profits that you may generate through your parked domain. It makes sense to cut out that middleman and keep all of your profits for yourself. Domain parking service makes it possible to create and organize affiliate marketing programs for all of your parked domains without paying anyone else. Usually an affiliate marketing plan pays you a commission for click-through or sales. The last thing you need to do is share that small percentage with another company. Control Every Aspect When you use your own domain parking software, you are in charge of every function that the software does. You wont need to reformat anything or meet any standard operating specifications because the software is customized by you to work with your sites. You will be able to view all of your parked domains and their individual content through an easy to use control panel. When you are viewing the sites, you can click through and edit the content at any point. That means that you can make simple adjustments without having to work with an outside company and explain what you need done. Use Your Existing Hosting Service Domain parking service can be installed on your computer and will work with parked domains that are housed at your hosting site. The parked domains wont need to be migrated to a different host or address. You will save money because you are already paying for the sites to be hosted at your site. Moving them to a different hosting server would take time and money that you probably cant afford to lose. With domain parking service everything stays in place and you can work with your parked domains as they are right now. Independence Gives You Flexibility Controlling your parked domains through domain parking service gives you the flexibility to maintain as many domains as you like in any configuration you prefer. Your only limitation is what you choose. You can make money with all of the parked domains that you own, or you can decide to market only a few at a time. You can create the content yourself, or you can have the software do it for you. You can even choose to use different marketing techniques on each domain name if you think that one is more effective than another for certain topics.
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