As an internet marketer, it is very beneficial that you know how to use SEO and article marketing together to gather massive traffic for your website. This is probably one of the most important skills that you have to develop as an Internet marketer. They are both powerful ways to obtain huge traffic so together, they can be a more powerful tool to help your business the results that you want. This is considered as the most powerful combination of marketing techniques used on the Internet. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the term used for a set of methods used to attract search engines to your website and tell them that your website contains more relevant information compared to other websites that are using the same keywords that you use. Basically, SEO help you rank your website on the search engines. The set of methods used can help drive a lot of traffic to your website. Article marketing on the other hand is a way to provide information and get traffic in return. You provide information to other in exchange of the traffic that they give to your website. A well written article can help people learn more about the products and services that you provide. It can also help them check out the websites that you have for the products and services that you offer. This is the main reason why SEO and article marketing is very important in advertising your products. They are both effective but when they are combined, they can create a whole new method that can surpass the other methods of advertising products on the Internet. So how can you incorporate SEO methods to article marketing? Basically, after creating the articles, you will pass it to different article directories. So it does not end there. You need to advertise the articles that you posted on the articles. You can do some of the SEO methods to let people know that there are articles posted on these article submission sites. Your work does not end on the submission of articles. You also need to rank the articles that you have on search engines. Do not forget to put a resource box on the article which includes a direct link to your website. This is one of the most effective ways to create massive traffic to your website and gain more income. The use of SEO and Article marketing is a must for Internet marketers.
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