If you want to make money online you need to know how to make websites that are profitable. Building your own website can be simpe, particularly if you use some new programs that are now available. These typically provide some proven niches to choose from, with readymade templates and enough content articles to get your site ranked by the search engines. Here is how to go about building websites that earn money . First, choose a niche with a good range of products or services to promote. Do niche keyword research, targeting monthly searches around 20,000. Then drill deeper to find 20 primary keywords that will be the basis for your content pages. For each of these primary keywords find 3 or 4 secondary keywords that you will also feed in to each content page. This helps your SEO and also makes the page flow more naturally. Secondly, research and buy a domain name relevant to the niche and organize a web hosting server where you register the domain. Now select or make a web design or template. I always use WordPress as my design software because of its simplicity. Write your home page around the keywords closest to the niche topic, and a further 19 content pages, each targeted around one of the remaining primary keywords. Finish by writing the About, Privacy and Disclaimer pages, publish the website and notify the search engines about its existence. They will find it anyway, but this notice might save a little time. Having built the website you now set about monetizing each page carefully to target and promote one product or service. If you intend to generate a list for email promotion and relationship building (and you should) you need to organize an autoresponder. Your website is now ready to make money, and the process of building backlinks begins. This is necessary, to raise the search engine rankings for your website and thus increase traffic. Getting backlinks takes time and effort. Do not fall in to the trap of trying to buy backlinks. The search engines will smell this out and you will simply lose your money. The best way is to write articles for syndication to a few good article directories, linked back to each web page. Post regularly on Twitter, Facebook, Squidoo, Hubpages and other social networking sites. Make regular contributions in a few good forums and blogs associated with the niche. Slowly build relationships with webmasters, peers in your niche and the people in your email list. Apply for acceptance with as many web directories as possible over time. Stick to one plan, keep at it and do not deviate without very good reason (for instance, testing results). All of this will take time, but it is essential to remember that sales will not happen by luck, chance or osmosis. You have to make them happen by your actions. Knowing how to make websites that sell is the key to online marketing success. And remember the golden rule: No Action No Sales.
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