Cascading Style Sheets or CSS is one of the most popular style sheet language used in the market today. However, according to many experts, there are also other style sheet languages used today other than the use of CSS. So what other popular types of styling languages are being used today other than the popular CSS?
XSL or Extensible Stylesheet Languages is considered today as one of the top competitors of CSS in terms of styling strength. According to a number of web experts, including those from Web design Philippines companies, XSL was first developed to bring the functionality of DSSSL (Document Style Semantics and Specification Language) to XML.
However, XSL had drastically evolved into something very different from its original purpose. From a single styling language, XSL became a family of different styling languages in which if combined, it can create a very powerful styling language compared to CSS. This is by combining two different XSL languages, the XSL-FO (XSL Formatting Objects) and XSLT (XSL Transformation).
The only disadvantage of XSL, according to experts, is its complexity. XSL-FO alone is known to for its complexity which would require a very skilled programmer to handle, what more if this would be combined with XSLT.
Because of its complexity, CSS still reigned as the best and simplest type of style sheet language used in the market today.
DSSSL or Document Style Semantics and Specification Language is one of the oldest styling language introduced even before CSS was founded. It was a computer language used for specifying stylesheets for SGML documents.
However, with the appearance of XML as an alternative to SGML, XML's associated stylesheet language XSL was also widely and rapidly adopted, from around 1999. Although DSSSL continued in use within the shrinking SGML field, XSL was very soon in use more exensively, and by more coders, than DSSSL had ever achieved.
LESS and Sass
Sass or Syntactically Awesome Style Sheet is a style sheet language influenced by CSS. It is a scripting language that is interpreted into CSS, and that Sass is the scripting language itself. LESS, on the other hand, was influenced by Sass, which in turn influenced newer "SCSS" syntax of Sass, which adapted its CSS like block formatting syntax.
LESS, according to web design Manila experts, is an open-source language. Its first version was written in Ruby, however in the later versions, use of Ruby has been depreciated and replaced by JavaScript . The indented syntax of LESS is a nested metalanguage, as valid CSS is valid LESS code with the same semantics. For more information visit to our site at
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