Sunday, May 22, 2011

How to achieve excellent results though RSS Traffic

RSS is a technology that many people stayed away from in the beginning only to realize later that it is an effective strategy of getting in traffic. RSS is an abbreviation form of really simple syndication. The whole approach involves providing the subscribers with constant news updates. One major assurance that this strategy provides is the fact that the content is delivered. Online marketers who have gone through the harsh experiences of email marketing definitely appreciate the RSS approach. With RSS, the information is not filtered and thus the issue of spam is irrelevant. Coming up with an RSS is one thing but getting traffic is another. When coming up with an RSS, it is important to ensure that you conform to the standard format in a bid to have your news updates viewable by the subscribers. A poorly done RSS will end up not getting to the users and thus RSS traffic becomes challenging. Coming up with an RSS is not rocket science though it may prove to be a daunting task for a beginner. Information on how to come up with an effective RSS can be sought from the web using the search engine optimization. On your website, you should have an RSS icon on the home page and every other web page in your site. The icon should be attractive in order to capture the attention of one who is visiting. You can utilize bright and screaming colors such as orange and yellow in a bid to stand out. Coming up with this icon should not be very difficult. The advantage of having the icon displayed on all the web pages is to increase the chances of enhancing RSS traffic. The news that you provide on your RSS feed should be meaningful and structured in a way that it will attract your reader. Note that each RSS subscriber who receives your feed must have enrolled to that particular niche. It would therefore be very sad to bore them with substandard content. The information provided should be meaningful enough to increase your chances of benefiting from RSS. Constantly provide fresh news updates. This will go a long way in preparing your subscribers on what to expect from you. If the subscribers are happy, they will spread the news out in forums and social networks and this greatly enhances your chances of enhancing RSS traffic. As much as you are targeting old subscribers, it is only beneficial to look out for new RSS traffic. You must ensure that you submit your RSS feeds through the right channels. There are websites available such as the RSS locator that will showcase your feeds to potential subscribers. The higher the traffic, the better it is for your business. Utilize the keywords appropriately and ensure that the heading and content summary is appealing enough to drive in traffic. With these strategies in mind, one should just not sit back and expect everything to flow perfectly. A lot of effort is required to get your message across to your target audience.

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