Saturday, October 15, 2011

mcdonalds beating

  • Question:-So, the McDonalds beating victim speaks? What do you think? Hate Crime?

    Answer:-yes it's a hate crime. The two black sows need to be beaten down, and their entire extended family sterilized, and then thrown in prison for 50 years.
  • Question:-Whats up with MCDONALDS Policy on beating women?
    McDonalds Policy does state that when a customer is harrassed, beaten or raped, the employees are to do nothing that could cause injury. AN employee tried to ask a customer to leave when he began beating a femae customer and was injured, shot, and left for dead. No first aid, or CPR was provided by McDonalds employees, and the beaten woman was refused attention by the staff. THey now refuseto pay the employee citing company policy to let women be beaten.

    FUnny thing is if the employee had walked away, like the other 15 employees who did not call 911 the Woman would be dead.

    Answer:-I think I see an op-ed column in your future. It's legalism man, legalism. This is the society we live in. Don't do the right thing, because you may be sued. Welcome to the new and everlasting soulless world.
  • Question:-LGBT: What is you opinion on the beating of the Trans woman at McDonalds?

    I find it disgusting and such bs. Two girls beat her up because she was looking at one of them's man apparently. Ugh....Then an employee taped it and encouraged the violence. Sick people...
    @Daft Punk: Are you serious that she was your ex's bro??? :O
    @Daft Punk: Wow, I'm so sorry :( I hope she gets better and everyone involved gets what they deserve.

    Answer:-It was fucked up and, honestly, scares me for my own safety. She wasn't beat up because of a guy, she was beat up for trying to use the fucking bathroom. And that's not an isolated incident, either. The only reason this one got press was because it was taped. I talked, just the other day, to a trans guy who was beat up for going in the men's bathroom. When you see that and hear statistics that say you have a one in twelve chance of being murdered ... it's kind of terrifying.
  • Question:-where can I find a specific 2011 McDonalds commercial?
    I'm trying to find the commercial where Ronald McDonald is beating on upside down buckets with two other people. The 3 of them are playing a beat on the drums and they have a few people as an audience. Then at the end, the 3 of them throw the drumsticks behind them into a fountain thing.
    I can't find this video anywhere except for on tv. Can anyone help me find it?

    Answer:-Go to Youtube and look under the name "Thetechnomusician" or Ronald McDonald Drumming on Buckets. I have been looking for this video for days now .
  • Question:-recent testing say MCDONALDS is beating out STARBUCKS in typical coffee!?
    betcha STARBUCKS is pretty pissed off about being run into the #2 position!-what will they do?-------today-faster, cheaper, better-I guess

    Answer:-Starbucks is pricing themselves right out of the business. There is a limit of what folks will pay for coffee, even if it is a "designer" coffee.
  • Question:-whos beating Mcdonalds?

    Answer:-Nobody thanks to high coffee sales in the USA.

  • Question:-IS it me, or has there been surprisingly little press for McDonalds trans beating?
    Usually something like this is all of the media, you cant avoid it. but in this case, it seems that its hard to find. In case your unaware

    a 22 yr old trans woman was beaten by two girls age 14 and 18 because one believed she was talking to her man and because she tried to use the WOMAN'S restroom. This was all recorded on camera. Sounds like a cut and dry hate crime (I personally am against hate crime legislation and view it as a hypocrisy that segregates people but if we have it, might as well use it) But there are only really two sites that seem to be covering this at lenght, Gay support websites, and black support websites. The two assailants were black, and the victim was white. Is this story not getting the normal amount of coverage because they dont want to implicate black girls in hate crimes? If you go on websites that say they are "for black" they list out the criminal history of the victim and say it wanst a hate crime, and as they put it "s/he shouldnt have used the womans restroom"

    Answer:-I think it's been convered on loads of sites. The media usually want to get full information and persmission before posting things. It doesn't surprise me that the attackers were black either.
  • Question:-Why are pizza hut and KFC so expensive? They can't seem to surpass Mcdonalds in price and quality.?
    I'm sure it doesn't cost $13 dollars to buy cheese, flour and tomato sauce for a medium pizza. It is obviously overpriced.

    My local chinese buffet offers fried chicken cheaper than KFC.

    Mcdonalds beats them all.

    Answer:-McDonald'ss is VERY NICE. Even though I am a vegetarian and all..

    But yeah, KFC is low-grade chicken and it doesn't do very well - Pizza Hut takes ages... Sorry this is a bit of a crap answer but I'm in a rush somewhere!
  • Question:-How do you beat the McDonalds game?
    i can never beat the McDonalds game and i as just wondering if anyone knew how?
    if there were any cheats or anything that would be great :)

    Answer:-yes, it is possible to beat it. most people think it's not, because they give up after like 1 hour but i kept playing and finally beat it after like 6 hours it was the best feeling in the world!
    Ok, cheats: when you are playing the game, go to the part where it's the executives talking and press ALT + F4, then type in "ronaldscheats10000" and it gives you $10,000.00
    you can also press SHIFT + CTRL + 2 then type in "DeadCowsNo96" and none of your cows die or get diseased.
    hope this helped! :)
  • Question:-Why will McDonalds continue to beat out Starbucks in Cofee?
    my answer for the dailt double : Candy is dandy but quicker is the vicar!!! Starbucks you just got served!

    Answer:-convenience and cost. To get your coffee and your breakfast...and its not 5 for coffee....

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