Friday, October 21, 2011

james arthur ray

  • Question:-who feels that guru james arthur ray is at fault for the 3 deaths at the sweat lodge ceremony?

  • Question:-Finally Put James Arthur Ray In Prison?
    Will the Sedona sweat lodge incident finally put crook and fraud Ray in prison (or at least shut down his organization?)

    Answer:-Oprah has been strangely silent on this. . .

    What I want to know is how the idiot nurse on duty didn't pick up on the fact that the people were dehydrated!

  • Question:-Does anyone know about the curse of the people of The Secret?
    Jerry Hicks has cancer, James Arthur Ray is in prison, Wayne Dyer was divorced by his wife of 20 years who he has 7 children with, What else has a happened to the people who are preaching we create our own lives?

    Answer:-Bad things happen to good people. And people behave badly sometimes. I mentioned this once before for another question, but it might help. It is not what happens to us, but how we handle what happens to us that makes our life better or worse. Take 2 drivers, who gets cut off in traffic. the 1st one takes a breath, and is glad there was no accident from that foolish other driver, who was rude, and reckless, or woke up late and was afraid he would get in trouble if he was late again for work. The first driver, puts on the radio, and sings. The 2nd driver, gets mad at almost getting into an accident, and races around to cut off the driver who cut him off. But in doing so the 2nd driver causes the other driver off the road, and he dies. The accident was not caused by the first driver who cut the 2nd driver off, but how the 2nd driver reacted, after he was cut off which was a negative reaction.

    As for the people in the secret, I have not heard of the turns in their lives, but we will all have turns in our lives. Some good, and some bad. Have you ever gone backwards, after something happened, good and bad, that you think only by the grace of God, or why me.

    One that comes to mind was car accident. 1. I woke up late. 2. I spilled coffee on my shirt, and had to change it at the last minute. 3. Before walking out the door, I decided to go to the bathroom. 4. On the way to work, a fire truck with lights, and sirens passed me and made me decide to take my other route to work. 5. it was raining, and I was going 10 miles under the speed limit. 6. As I was about 200 yards from intersection, and saw a car stop, I slowed another 10 miles to give more time for the car to pass. The cross traffic had a stop sign I did not. and the driver waited for me. I drove a little faster, still under the speed limit, and noticed another driver coming up to the stop sign when I was 30 feet from the intersection. After she stopped, she drove into the intersection, and I hit her. If I did not wake up late, spill my cooffee, go to the bathroom, take my first route, or drive 5 miles faster. the accident would not have happened.
  • Question:-Should only Native Americans conduct Sweat Lodge ceremonies?
    I read about the Arizona Sweat Lodge tragedy in which several people died. It was said that James Arthur Ray, who was running the New Age program and the Sweat Lodge ceremony, may have abused some of the Native American's methods and standards of facilitating one.

    Answer:-It depends on who you ask. Some Sundance Intercessors allow all races to participate, and train some of them to conduct sweat lodge ceremonies. Others insist on allowing only Indian participants and water pourers. "May have abused" is a huge understatement, judging from all accounts to this point.
  • Question:-Why does everyone want blood from balloon boy's parents?
    All the media sites and the secretaries at work are all talking about how horrible the Heenes are and how they should be locked away when all they did was waste money and entertain the country for a little bit.

    But not much is being said about James Arthur Ray who actually killed people! How can people be so outraged about the loss of money but not the needless loss of life due to an egotistical scam artist? Why isn't he in jail yet?

    Answer:-because they are the ones that created the hoax. at the very least they should have to pay back all the costs for the time it too to follow the balloon make sure the boy was not there etc etc. even better if they went to jail for fraud
  • Question:-is there a station or network or on-line source that reruns " Dateline NBC " ?
    i'm specifically searching for the report from last week - i believe - on James Arthur Ray , one of the " Talking Head Experts " from " The Secret " ?
    Thank You !

    Answer:-Here's the link to both the transcript and full episode video. Click on the video box at the top right for part 1 and then you'll see links to the rest in the bar at the left.
  • Question:-Do you use a certain program to meditate with?
    I am wanting/needing to start meditating...I need guidance and think that a cd/audio program may help. I have looked at various programs and wanted to see what others use or recommend. So far I have considered Bill Harris' Holosync, Chopra's Wild Divine, and James Arthur Ray's Collapse the World. I am sure there are many others, but what would you recommend to a beginner? (I am a beginner in many ways, but have read or listened to many books by Dyer, Chopra, James Ray and other personal development I am extremely ready to take my development to a deeper level.)
    I appreciate any thoughts and recommendations.

    Answer:-i go by bhagavad gita and also adopt the way of people like vivekanda and other such gurus.
    i personally believe that meditation is not focusing on a thought forgetting what is happening around you but rather than focusing on everything that is happening around us. Meditation is the act of filtering out the things that we need to know.
    people like the detectives, blind who see the world through the sounds are examples of people who are practicing meditation every single minute.

    if one wants to win he should first learn to overcome defeat similarly we cannot filter or focus on a select few unless we learn the methodology of focusing on one thought and one thought alone. that is we are asked to start of with focusing on one thought.

    to start of with chanting the name of a GOD over and over again would be ideal.
    this will help you control the thought flow in your mind.
    the next step would be to find answers within oneself. now that we have control over thought flow we can bring one thought at a time and try to figure the answer for it.

    hope this helps
  • Question:-Question for people who meditate: what program do you use?
    I am wanting/needing to start meditating...I need guidance and think that a cd/audio program may help. I have looked at various programs and wanted to see what others use or recommend. So far I have considered Bill Harris' Holosync, Chopra's Wild Divine, and James Arthur Ray's Collapse the World. I am sure there are many others, but what would you recommend to a beginner? (I am a beginner in many ways, but have read or listened to many books by Dyer, Chopra, James Ray and other personal development I am extremely ready to take my development to a deeper level.)
    I appreciate any thoughts and recommendations.

  • Question:-What is a Sweat Lodge?
    Why was James Arthur Ray arrested for it? What were they doing there?

    Answer:-he was apparently doing some form of therapy where people sweat like being in a sauna... however, he was irresponsible and people died because he would not let them out... died by asphyxiation and heat stroke!

    pretty stupid and sad!
  • Question:-What are your mentors and can you suggest some for me?
    I'm reading "The Science of Success" by James Arthur Ray and in the book he suggests that I seek out mentors. I am a success full artist and I want to associate myself with others that I aspire to be. Can you suggest any that I might not be aware of. I don't mind doing my own research but any links to them would be greatly appreciated. Here's a link to my art < > it will provide some insight to help with your suggestions. Thank you for your time. Lyle Lindsay

    Answer:-Well, since you didn't say what type of artist you are it's hard to say. If you were an illustrator I would say you could look into the Society of Illustrators. There must be groups for your type of art as well if you are in the commercial art field. If you happen to do mosaics there is the Society of American Mosaic Artists and I know that Britain and Australia have similar groups. A simple google search should get you going in the right direction.

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