Wednesday, November 2, 2011

condoleezza rice

  • Question:-Condoleezza Rice?
    When George Bush is no longer President,what happens to Secretary of the State--Condoleezza Rice?

    Answer:-Condi has expressed interest in going back to college as a professor.
  • Question:-Video of Condoleezza Rice speaking a different language?
    Does anyone know of any videos where Condoleezza Rice speaks one of the several languages she is said to speak? For instance, Wikipedia says she can speak Russian, German, French and Spanish. This was cited as being from an article published in The Sunday Times of London, which is a reputable source; however, the article itself isn't very specific.

    I am uncertain as to her fluency in any of these languages. It would be interesting to know exactly how fluent she is since one of her "Transformational Diplomacy" policies is to require diplomats to become fluent in two foreign languages.

    Answer:-Have you ever seen her speak English fluently either? ;)
  • Question:-What are a list of props that show Condoleezza Rice besides a suit for a Black History Project?
    I need to have 2 props that show I am Condoleezza Rice for a Black History Project.
    Um.. forgot to mention, i need it by tomorrow and i need something 10 dollars max and easy to get/ buy.

    Answer:-Ice skates and a globe.

    Condoleezza was really, really into ice-skating when she was younger and she is known for her expertise in international affairs, especially of the former Soviet Union and of Europe.
  • Question:-What obstacles has Condoleezza Rice faced because of her gender?
    What obstacles has Condoleezza Rice faced because of her gender? How did she overcome these?

    Answer:-I can't say for sure but I would think that some foreign leaders would not be so quick to have any respect for a Secretary of State who happens to be female, this would be especially true in the middle East countries that are completely male dominated. She probably overcame those obstacles by showing that she was up to the task by showing strength and toughness when dealing with dictators.
  • Question:-Where can I find a good timeline on Condoleezza Rice?
    I am doing a report on Condoleezza Rice, and I need a timeline of her life. I can't find one from when she was born to current time. Does anybody know where I can get a timeline of her entire life?

    Answer:-If you do a search on Y! you will probably come up with Wikipedia. That will give you the basic info you need for a time line. If you are not sure about how to do a time line, you could search for that too.

    Good luck
  • Question:-What positive point do you learn from Condoleezza Rice?
    I have a homework assignment is to write about Condoleezza Rice, but I don't really know her very well, one of the thing I need to write about is what I learn from her and how is that going to help me to sit my future goal. I never think about my future before, so I cannot find any word to write about it. Can anyone have an idea to help me with this question?

    Answer:-One thing I think is interesting about her is that she is a serious piano player. She was an excellent pianist and then in late high school or early in her college years she realized that no matter how hard she practiced, she didn't have the spark of musical genius and would not have a successful career as a concert pianist. So she redirected her brain and efforts into academic study in history and politics.
    It's so smart of her to have been able to measure herself against her aspirations and to choose a career she could excel in.
  • Question:-How many languages does the secretary of state Condoleezza Rice (arroz) speak? Can somebody answer truthfully?
    It is a big time government position: foreign relations. Usually whoever is in charge knows several languages, but Condoleezza Rice is known for speaking one language and not saying anything/ very confusing. If you have the answer then provide proof, evidence,facts, documentation. Do not be a scum of the earth, stupid ignorant, moron, garbage of society with unqualified brain....!

    Answer:-In addition to English, she speaks Russian, German, French, and Spanish according to her biography. She has major experience in Russian foreign affairs so that is a given. She is no doubt conversational in more languages. She is brilliant by any standard so I have no reason to doubt that rather insignificant accomplishment.
  • Question:-Why do you think Condoleezza Rice wants nothing to do with becoming McCain's VP?
    Condoleezza Rice wants it known: She is still not interested in being vice president.

    Sean McCormack, her spokesman, today tried to dampen speculation that erupted Sunday after Dan Senor, a GOP political operative, claimed on ABC's "This Week" that Rice was "actively, actually in recent weeks, campaigning" for the job.

    Answer:-2 reasons...1.she has some skeletons in her closet she would rather not have revealed,and 2.Conservatives dispise McCain,and Rice doesnt want to tarnish her conservative image
  • Question:-How many languages does Condoleezza Rice speak?
    Condoleezza Rice is the secretary of State for the United States and in charge of foreign affairs. Having knowledge of several languages is a requirement for such a position....

    Answer:-I knew her but only heard her speak English many of the others spoke Russian and other languages, she may speak Russian and college French maybe some Spanish but not really well, when ever visitors that spoke Russian or other were around she had others from Russia to translate.
  • Question:-What Percentage Of Single Middle Aged Republican White Men Do You Think Would Date Condoleezza Rice?
    What percentage of single middle aged White male Republicans do you think would be open to being in an interracial relationship with Condoleezza Rice.

    Answer:-She is very attractive lady but she is to old for middle aged men. Peace

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