Tuesday, November 1, 2011


  • Question:-Referendum?
    Why was Referendum historically significant in the US?

    Answer:-well, referendum means: the principle or practice of submitting to popular vote a measure passed on or proposed by a legislative body or by popular initiative .
    so I guess it just means that in the US there has always been the right to vote on bills in congress.
  • Question:-referendum?
    which country recently held an election to pass a referndum to change its constitution? did it pass?

    Answer:-Venezuela....Chavez tried to change it so he could have "unlimited" terms in office.
    You can go to this link to
    The people rejected the change so it did NOT pass.
  • Question:-Should the United States adopt a national referendum process that allows citizens to directly vote?
    Should the United States adopt a national referendum process that allows citizens to directly vote on important policies? Why or why not?

    Answer:-Yes because it would give us the direct ability to represent ourselves not just an elected politician who will more than likely put a spin on what the peoples real issues and concerns are!
  • Question:-How did initiative, referendum and recall change democracy in the united states?
    How did initiative, referendum and recall change democracy in the united states?

    Answer:-the states that allow it let people get more directly involved in government
  • Question:-USA - Should there be a referendum on wether private property continues to exist or not?
    USA - Should there be a referendum on wether private property continues to exist or not? If the majority votes in favor of keeping private property as is, then nothing changes. But if the majority votes in favor of abolishing private property, then all property (homes, apartments, storage buildings, industries, banks, etc) is given to the government so it decides how to best use these. That would be the democratic thing.

    Answer:-American is a Representative democracy with a written constitution. If Congress passed a constitutional amendment that was then ratified by all fifty states you could abolish property rights. Good luck on that one!
  • Question:-Should a legislative referendum process be used on the national level of government? Why or Why not?
    Should a legislative referendum process be used on the national level of government? Why or Why not?

    Answer:-Most definitely.

    The people are not getting what they elected their representatives to do, so let the people do it through a referendum. We can start with making our government officials live on social security and no special health plans for them.
  • Question:-Is the 2008 election actually a referendum upon the Republican agenda?
    Is the 2008 election actually a referendum on Republican agenda of giving more to the those that have the most?

    What does it say it say about Conservatives insomuch the Republican ideology appears to be thoroughly rejected?

    Answer:-More than anything else, this election says there is hope for the United States, after all.

    I'm so proud to be an American today. The world will again see us as they should.
  • Question:-Why can't Canada hold a referendum to abolish the Quebec Bloc Separatist Party?
    With the separatist party in the house of commons, it lowers the chances significantly of any LEGITIMATE party of getting a majority and it is a waste of tax payers money through the party subsidies that the party gets.
    If there was a referendum, would you support it?

    Answer:-A reforendum will unfortunatley not work. Quebec is one third of the population and every one of them would vote no. Then you only need a few more sympathizers in Nova Scotia, Onatrio and New Brunswick to make up the difference.

    I agree the Block Quebecois is a sty on the Canadian government system, but there's not much that can be done.

    EDIT: I highly disagree with Cougar that they would go away if their needs were being met. The whole purpose of the Bloc is to get a disproportionately larger share of the pie for Quebec than other provinces. In that they operate more like a provincial government with much larger clout in the Federal government. I think that could be seen as a potential way to get rid of them legally. Investigate their actions to show that they operate as an extension of Quebec’s provincial government and make the case that they do not have the interests of anyone but Quebec in mind and therefore are not a legitimate federal party.

    Cougar: People don't vote for fairness, they vote on their own interests. To the rest of Canada, that means voting for someone who'll do the best job for Canada. For Quebecers it means voting for someone who'll do the best job for Quebecers. They don't see themselves as Canadians. I live in Shanghai and there's a Canadian consulate here and a Quebec consulate. I cannot go to the Quebec consulate for anything because I'm not a Quebec citizen. No doubt this is the doing of the Block. Now Canada, from federal funds has to pay for Quebec consulates around the world and for what? Big waste of money, but when you have a federal party that only wants to divide Canada and doesn't care about the needs of Canadians, it shouldn't be legally recognized. It's almost certain a real party wanted to pass something important and needed the Block to get it through and the Block said "give us consulates around the world and we'll support it" undermining what's best for Canada as a whole once again. Something should be done.
  • Question:-How can ordinary citizens force a public referendum?
    To cut governmental costs, how could a public initiated referendum be initiated to allow for voting on reducing t\he number of representatives by tripling the number of citizens needed in a given area for congressional representation? For our Federal government? For our State government?

    Answer:-Start a petition. Go out and get citizens to sign it. If enough signatures are obtained you will get the attention of the nation. You would have to have a constitutional amendment to change this in federal or state govt. They are very hard to get a sufficient number of citizens to back them.
  • Question:-Can Queen Elizabeth refuse Royal Assent for a vote on a referendum for New Zealand abolishing the monarchy?
    Or does she not get any right if it's not a bill? Does she if it was a bill? If they had a referendum could she refuse that? What legal powers does a referendum have in NZ and do they have Royal Assent?

    Answer:-I'd love to see it happen. I'd love to see how the constitutional crisis would play out. God save the Queen!

    May Her Majesty spark a constitutional crisis that highlights the powers of the monarchy!

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